
Other mistake: Dennis Quaid is supposed to be frozen in a wall of ice but if you watch closely, and very quickly, you can see him blink his eyes.

Visible crew/equipment: After Tonda forces Atouk to eat the flower's fruit (looks like a radish) Atouk gets dizzy, and when he falls backwards the corner of the grey crash mat can be seen on the grass, at the bottom of the screen.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Atouk takes a white pumpkin from Gog and throws it at the dinosaur. When it lands on the dinosaur's horn the pumpkin is orange.

More mistakes in Caveman

Question: What song is everyone whistling while they're carrying the giant egg?

Answer: The music playing while they are carrying the giant egg is from, "The Bridge on the River Kwai." It's a classic World War II movie, soldiers marching into a Japanese prison camp are whistling that tune.

Answer: The song being played is "Colonel Bogey March", which has the whistling in it. No one carrying the egg were whistling themselves though. Although in one shot I did see a character breathing out (something people do when lifting or carrying heavy things) which might look like he's whistling.


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