
Continuity mistake: The grandfather, father, and son all have VERY blue eyes, but in the flashback scenes, the actor playing the grandfather as a young man has very dark eyes.

Continuity mistake: When the boys are on their way to the discount store for opening day, they alternate between two red convertibles. One seems to be an Oldsmobile and the other a Studebaker.

Continuity mistake: The grandfather, father, and son all have VERY blue eyes, but in the flashback scenes, the actor playing the grandfather as a young man has very dark eyes.

More mistakes in Avalon

Ash: Is this what you wanted? For this you abandoned us all? To spend the rest of your life as a hollow shell in a hospital bed, staring at nothing?
Murphy: How can you be so sure? Do I look like a hollow shell? Do I? Reality is only what we tell ourselves it is! That's all! I choose this one. I prefer this reality.

More quotes from Avalon

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