Lorenzo's Oil

Lorenzo's Oil (1992)

Ending / spoiler

(2 votes)

Lorenzo is showing improvement like swallowing for himself and answering "Yes" and "No" questions by blinking, he has also regained his eyesight and is learning to use a computer. The credits roll showing children who were treated with the oil Augusto had created.


Continuity mistake: During a conversation a clock can be clearly seen in the backround and the time is 11:50, the scene cuts to a closeup of Nick Nolte speaking, then back to the wider shot and it's suddenly become 11:55 in a matter of seconds. But it doesn't stop there, it again cuts away for a few seconds and when it comes back to a a shot of the clock it now reads 11:40.

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Professor Nikolias: Do you know how many children die every year from choking on french fries? Many more than from Adrenoleukodistrophy. You see, ours is what is known as an orphan disease, too small to be noticed, too small to be funded, especially with the iron hand of "Reganomics."

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Question: What is the music used in the scene where Augusto tells Lorenzo the story of "La Notte di San Lorenzo"? The credits identify all the music used in the film, but they don't say what music was used where.

Answer: It's "Casta Diva" from the opera "Norma" by Bellini.

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