Trivia: Ben Stiller got the idea of Tropic Thunder during filming of the 1987 war movie Empire of the Sun.
Trivia: During the action scene at the start, the first soldier to get blown up lets out a Wilhelm scream.
Trivia: In the movie, Robert Downey Jr.'s character of Kirk Lazarus, who is in character as Lincoln Osiris, says he won't drop character until after the DVD commentary. In the DVD commentary Robert Downey Jr. actually stays in character as Lincoln Osiris until the scene where Kirk Lazarus also drops the character. At this point in the commentary, Downey Jr. adopts Lazarus' "real" Australian accent and stays in that character.
Chosen answer: The first is "Low" by Flo Rida and the last is "Get Back" by Ludacris. both songs are on the Tropic Thunder soundtrack.