Lethal Weapon 4

Trivia: After Riggs shoots the valve on the napalm tank being worn by the criminal with the flamethrower at the start of the film, the legendary "Wilhelm" Scream can be heard as the criminal goes flying. (00:05:05)

Trivia: In one of the takes when Riggs and Murtaugh crashed through the window of the office building, one of the window washers was actually hit (from the "making of's"). Obviously the one in the movie was not this take.


Trivia: Jackie Chan was originally offered the role of Wah Sing Su, but turned it down because he chooses never to play a villain in a movie.

Continuity mistake: During the car chase involving the car driven by the Chinese guy, Murtaugh, and the mobile home, the two cars slide against each other and the right wing mirror on Murtaugh's car is completely wrecked. Once the two cars are separated the wing mirror has miraculously repaired itself. The left wing mirror also does a disappearing / reappearing trick.

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Lee Butters: You have the right to remain silent. So shut the fuck up. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney, we will provide you with the dumbest fucking lawyer on Earth. If you hire Johnny Cochrane, I'll kill you!

More quotes from Lethal Weapon 4

Question: Something I really don't understand about the ending. Riggs is looking over his former wife's grave when his beeper tells him that Lorna is expecting their baby. He races to the hospital and there she is about to give birth. So who drove Lorna to the hospital? Can't have been Riggs as he wouldn't have left at a time of need just to see his wife's grave. Doubtful that Lorna drove herself, and no relatives were there (as we see at the end). So what other explanation is there?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: She could have taken a taxi or an ambulance, or even driven herself. A neighbor or friend could have taken her who didn't stay after she was admitted. She might have already been at the hospital for any number of reasons - doctor's appointment, already admitted for bed rest prior to labor, etc. etc. etc.


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