Independence Day

Audio problem: When the Knights deploy their missiles with no results, we see in close-ups as they respond that Steven is Knight 1, Jimmy is Knight 7, and another Marine is Knight 3. After Steven says, "Knight 1. Sweet Luck. Echo, Fox 2," we see a close-up of Knight 3 and hear his voice (not Jimmy's) say, "Knight 7, Fox 2", though he is in fact Knight 3, and Jimmy is Knight 7. (01:00:45)

Super Grover

Audio problem: At the White House, when Connie hangs up on David, as the President stands at the podium behind her, his mouth and the words we hear are not in sync. We are seeing and hearing him live, not on a delayed news feed. (00:28:15)

Super Grover

Audio problem: The same female scream can be heard three times during the first attack by the aliens. It is first heard in the scene when Jeff Goldblum is riding his bike to his father's house. The second time it is heard right as Jeff gets to his father's door. The third time is in Los Angeles when the people are running away. It's a very distinct scream.


Audio problem: After David's rant about burning the rainforests, etc, when he's on the ground Julius takes the bottle out of David's hand and we hear the sound of the bottle hitting the floor. But Julius still has the bottle in his hand, then puts it down two shots later - with no sound obviously. (01:35:30)

Super Grover

Audio problem: After the President tells General Grey that he is a combat pilot who belongs in the air, Major Mitchell says, "Okay, sir," but his mouth movements are not in sync. (01:57:40)

Super Grover

Audio problem: In the car with Julius, we hear David say, "Hey, hey slow it down," but his mouth actually says, "Hey, hey what have..." (00:40:25)

Super Grover

Audio problem: Aboard the USS Georgia in the Persian Gulf, when the Captain stands beside the submarine sailor who says, "Sir, we're looking at a total radar block out over a 13 kilometer area," the words we hear are not in sync with the reflection on the screen in front of him.

Super Grover

Independence Day mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Dr. Okun is about to unlock "the vault", and says, "The freak show," a crewmember wearing a black and white striped shirt is hiding under the vault's floor, right behind Okun. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Independence Day

President Thomas Whitmore: I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this?
Julius Levinson: You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat do you?

More quotes from Independence Day

Trivia: When Steven and David are being chased out of the alien mothership, David says "Must go faster, must go faster." This is a line Jeff Goldblum said in the film Jurassic Park (1993), when he was riding in the back of a jeep, getting chased by the T-Rex. That line from Jurassic Park was loved so much by ID4 filmmakers, they looped it into the dialogue. Jeff never actually spoke that line when ID4 was being filmed.

More trivia for Independence Day

Question: Several times near the end of the movie, there is a biker type man. He is wearing some Harley Davidson clothing and a black leather cap. He is one of the pilots. He stands out if he is just an extra. Is he anyone famous?

Answer: In the book of the same name, this man is called "Pig". He was a test pilot during the Vietnam War. He played a crucial role in training the new pilots.

Answer: He is just an extra, who just happens to be in more shots then the other extras. He is not more famous than the other extras.


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