The Wind That Shakes the Barley

Plot hole: When the Black & Tans are shown driving through the village, a blue house is visible behind them. The house has modern PVC windows.

Factual error: Midway through the film, the IRA flying column successfully ambushes a motorised British patrol. Immediately afterwards, when the column's survivors are milling about on the roadway, one IRA man is shown to be armed with a German Mauser Kar 98k bolt action rifle. This is historically incorrect, as this weapon did not go into production until after Hitler's assumption of power in the 1930's - at least thirteen years after the events depicted in the film.

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Damien: Get out of my country.
The Interrogator: What is your name?
Damien: Get out of my country.

More quotes from The Wind That Shakes the Barley

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