Forever Young

Revealing mistake: When Daniel belly-lands his plane the rotors get totally bent. When the plane bounces back the rotors happily rotate again, revealing their rubbery consistency. (00:03:15)


Continuity mistake: During one scene, Mel Gibson is talking to the young boy through the treehouse door and holding the boy's jacket. The next scene, there is no jacket and then it magically reappears. (00:35:30)

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Daniel: Do you ever feel lost?
Claire Cooper: I invented it. It's mine.

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Question: Mel Gibson spends 50 years frozen inside a machine that his friend Harry built. After Mel awakes, he is still the same age, but he slowly starts to age back into what he would been at the time that he awoke. Later on He discovers that Harry knew this would happen. If Harry knew, why did he build the machine in the first place?. It seems to serve no purpose other than to waste years of someone's life.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Harry Findlay only discovered the ageing would irreversible after Daniel had been frozen; don't forget this was the first time he'd tried it on a human. Plus he only ever intended to freeze Daniel for a year, so this may not have been the main focus of the experiment anyway.

Answer: He only wanted to be frozen because his girlfriend was in a coma. Harry said, he only tried it on animals and wasn't to keen on the idea. Mel said to wake him when his girlfriend woke up. He figured it would only be for a few weeks or months. Joe Morton, the scientist, read a file on the experiment, stating that Harry died when a fire broke out in the lab and ran in to save him.

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