Continuity mistake: When Anakin and Obi-Wan come to rescue Palpatine we see in the wideshot a battle ship in the window behind Palpatine. When it cuts to a closeup of Palpatine the ship is gone. (00:11:05)

Continuity mistake: When the Emperor and Yoda flip backwards out of the pod from the "kickback" of the Force lightning the Emperor falls onto the sloped side of the pod.When they show him again he is hanging on the side of the pod with handles.(If you look at the pods each has a sloped side and a part with guardrail or handle)
Continuity mistake: When Obi-Wan and Anakin are fighting Grievous' droids we see two droids dragging Palpatine through an opening door. A couple of shots later we still see the droids dragging Palpatine through the door which is still opening in the same position as earlier. (00:18:55)
Continuity mistake: When Obi-Wan kicks Anakin for the second time as they fight on the huge table, as the shot ends, Anakin is about to land on the right side of the table. In the next shot, he lands on the other side, and in the following shot, we see the impact of him landing again. Also, his position as he lies on the table keeps changing between shots. This is easy to see in the wide shots, and in the close-ups, where it can be seen from the pattern and the lit strip on the table. Also, notice that as his lightsaber flies into his hand, his hand is on the edge of the table, but in the previous and following shots, he was lying too far away from the edge to reach it. (01:46:45)
Continuity mistake: When Mace Windu departs to confront Palpatine, as the ship takes off, Anakin's position on the floor differs from the previous shot, seen from the lines on the floor. (01:06:00)
Continuity mistake: When Anakin, Obi-Wan and Palpatine are hanging in the elevator shaft as Obi-Wan says "Too late, jump." we see him still holding around Anakin's shoulders. As it cuts he is suddenly by Anakin's waist level. (00:16:35)

Continuity mistake: Just before the lightsaber battle between Mace Windu and Darth Sidious, we see the lightsaber of Sidious ejected from his sleeve and he grabs it with his finger down the length of it. We then instantly cut to a wide shot and he's suddenly gripping it with all his fingers curled in. (01:08:30)
Continuity mistake: At the performance when Palpatine and Anakin are talking, Palpatine says "he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying" while turning his head to Anakin, then his head stops. When it cuts back his head is still turning. (00:44:55)
Continuity mistake: Before the lightsaber battle between Grievous and Kenobi, the area where they are standing and where Kenobi "drops" the weight on the magnadroids is a solid floor. The whole preparation-for-battle-scene does not include much movement from the actors. As soon as Grievous begins to move in on Kenobi, both of them are suddenly standing on some sort of bridge, without even passing the dropped weight. (00:56:15)
Continuity mistake: When Obi-Wan and Yoda walk through the Jedi Temple after order 66, in the second shot, they are standing on a round circle on the floor, but in the previous shot, they were a few metres away from it. (01:30:40)
Continuity mistake: When R2 is at the terminal near the beginning, the two super battle droids start to walk over to him and their red dots are on the left hand side but when they get to R2 they have moved to the right hand side.
Continuity mistake: While Anakin and Palpatine are talking at the performance, in one shot of Anakin we see Palpatine turn his head side on to the camera and drop his chin to his chest. In the very next shot he's holding his head high. (00:43:25)
Continuity mistake: When Padmé is in her apartment and Anakin is in the Jedi Council chamber, they look out across the city toward each other. The position of the setting sun and the direction of its light across their locations is not consistent given what we are shown about their relative positions and the directions they are facing. (01:07:10)
Continuity mistake: When the clone troopers kill Aayla Secura, the blue-skinned Jedi, their blasters are held differently between the second and third shot. (01:18:35)
Continuity mistake: When Yoda's escape pod takes off you can see the flaps on the pod being pulled in. Two shots later they are pulled in again. (01:22:55)
Continuity mistake: When Obi-Wan jumps to the high ground during the duel with Anakin, in the shot where he lands, his lightsaber is held parallel to the ground. In the next shot, it is pointing downwards, and in the following shot, it is pointing slightly upwards, and his left arm is positioned differently from the previous shot. (01:54:25)
Continuity mistake: When Padmé is waiting for Anakin by the column, and also when she's talking to him, the floor around the column keeps changing between shots. For example, when Anakin runs to her, the red area around the column is much bigger than in the previous shots. (00:24:45)
Continuity mistake: When Anakin is denied the rank of master and he replies "what?", we see a ship near the bottom of the window that has just passed the window frame. In the next Anakin shot, the same ship is once again just passing the window frame. (00:37:05)
Continuity mistake: In the first shot of the scene where Anakin visits Padmé before going to Mustafar, Padmé runs past a statue on the veranda. In the following close-up, she passes it again. (01:24:20)

Continuity mistake: When Anakin goes to pick up Obi-Wan after the fight with Count Dooku, the floor is completely different from the floor seen when Obi-Wan was lying unconscious earlier in the scene - the pattern and the colours are different. (00:12:45 - 00:14:35)
Chosen answer: Powerful force users seem to have some degree of control over their bodies even after death. In the later series, Luke's wife Mara Jade Skywalker only allows her body to disappear when her killer, and nephew Jacen Solo arrives at her funeral as a clue. Thus it appears that a powerful force user can simply choose if they wish their body to disappear.
Darius Angel