
Revealing mistake: When the car at the end flips over, you can see a circular object underneath the vehicle, about the size of a tyre (very obvious in slow motion). This is the device that "lifts" the vehicle for it to flip on one side, timed with the appropriate explosion.

Revealing mistake: When Lawrence gets punched in the face by Baldwin in the tunnel, the person who falls into the water is a double. (00:21:10)

Continuity mistake: After he met the woman who helps them, Stephen Baldwin is wearing a shirt over his shoulders. In the very next cut, it is missing, but it reappears in the next cut.

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Trivia: In the final scene, Steven Baldwin teases Lawrence Fishburne, referencing the infamous limousine scene with Ike and the boot in the movie "What's Love Got To Do With It?" Lawrence Fishburne also plays the character Ike in "What's Love Got To Do With It?"


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