In Good Company
Movie Quote Quiz

Dan Foreman: Guys, I feel very terrible about what I'm about to say. But I'm afraid your both being let go.
Lou: Let go? What does that mean?
Dan Foreman: It means you're being fired, Louie.

Dan Foreman: You seem jumpy Carter, did you switch from mocha to crack?

Dan Foreman: We made a deal, remember? We made a deal we'd always be honest with one another.
Alex Foreman: Dad, I was like five years old when we made that deal.
Dan Foreman: Yeah, I liked you better then.

Morty: I gotta get home for dinner. My wife is slowly poisoning me to death and she gets very angry if I'm late.

Carter Duryea: I'm gonna have to let some people go.
Dan Foreman: Why do you say let them go? They don't want to go. Why don't you just say fire them?
Carter Duryea: Because it sounds better.
Dan Foreman: Not to the person getting fired it doesn't.

Alex Foreman: You're kind of a bizarrely honest guy, huh?
Carter Duryea: No, just around you.

Carter Duryea: For what it's worth, I enjoy talking to you more than anyone else.

Eugene Kalb: My son-in-law says I'm a dinosaur.
Dan Foreman: Hey, don't knock the dinosaurs. They ruled the earth for millions of years. They must've been going something right.

Continuity mistake: After Dan hits Carter he develops a bruise by his eye. It is there for the next several scenes but sometimes it looks red and swollen and sometimes it is quite faded then it will go back to swollen.

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