Dan Foreman: Guys, I feel very terrible about what I'm about to say. But I'm afraid your both being let go.
Lou: Let go? What does that mean?
Dan Foreman: It means you're being fired, Louie.
Dan Foreman: You seem jumpy Carter, did you switch from mocha to crack?
Dan Foreman: We made a deal, remember? We made a deal we'd always be honest with one another.
Alex Foreman: Dad, I was like five years old when we made that deal.
Dan Foreman: Yeah, I liked you better then.
Morty: I gotta get home for dinner. My wife is slowly poisoning me to death and she gets very angry if I'm late.
Carter Duryea: I'm gonna have to let some people go.
Dan Foreman: Why do you say let them go? They don't want to go. Why don't you just say fire them?
Carter Duryea: Because it sounds better.
Dan Foreman: Not to the person getting fired it doesn't.
Alex Foreman: You're kind of a bizarrely honest guy, huh?
Carter Duryea: No, just around you.
Carter Duryea: For what it's worth, I enjoy talking to you more than anyone else.
Eugene Kalb: My son-in-law says I'm a dinosaur.
Dan Foreman: Hey, don't knock the dinosaurs. They ruled the earth for millions of years. They must've been going something right.