
Continuity mistake: When Hobbs (D. Washington) enters his brother Art's bedroom, soon to find him dead, he opens the door without closing it. After grieving for a short time he stands at the door, now closed, as he gathers himself as to what he just saw.


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Suggested correction: You can hear the door close by itself as soon as he enters the room.

Revealing mistake: When Hobbes is searching for information about Milano, he types his search into the webcrawler search engine and it takes him straight to the front page of the newspaper that is reporting on the events he is searching for. With the search terms he used there is no way he would get that result. You may argue that all the boring bits of websearching were cut, but for his second search he goes back to the web search instead of the newspaper's own search to get the next year's article. (00:22:00)


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John Hobbes: There are moments which mark your life. Moments when you realise nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts, before this, and after this... Sometimes you can feel such a moment coming. That's the test, or so I tell myself. I tell myself that at times like that, strong people keep moving forward anyway, no matter what they're going to find.

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