Kumar: Dad, come on.
Dr. Patel: Daddy is not coming on anything!
Kumar: So she's kinda fucking cute. Let her touch your penis.
Dr. Patel: I have invested a lot of time and energy for you to go and fuck it all up!
Kumar: Do you know what the hell we had to go through after you took the car?
Neil Patrick Harris: Yeah, it was a dick move on my part. That's why I'm paying for your meal. Prick.
Neil Patrick Harris: [looks down to count money.] Here's 80 for the meal, and 200 for the car
Harold: What did you do to my car?
Neil Patrick Harris: I made some love stains in the back. You'll see.
Harold: Did Doogie Houser just steal my fucking car?
Kumar: Dude you don't understand, we've been craving these burgers all night.
Neil Patrick Harris: Yeah I've been craving burgers too...fur burgers.
Chosen answer: According to IMDB at this link http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366551/ Christopher Meloni was the only actor in this role. Chris Elliott was never in the movie.