The Exorcist

Father Karras body is taken over by the demon that once possessed Reagan. In order to kill himself, Karras musters up the strength to leap out of the top story window to forever vanquish the demonic force residing in the house. Reagan is physically scarred, but flushed of the evil that once possessed her soul. (submitted by Vitascope)

Steve Lawton

Continuity mistake: The Psychiatrist that hypnotizes Regan is wearing a tie that in the close-ups, is retied differently as the scene progresses. (01:02:05)


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Demon: I'm not Regan.
Father Damien Karras: Well, then let's introduce ourselves. I'm Damien Karras.
Demon: And I'm the Devil. Now kindly undo these straps.
Father Damien Karras: If you're the Devil, why not make the straps disappear?
Demon: That's much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.

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Trivia: The vomit that Linda Blair spewed was actually split-pea soup. Specifically, the effects crew decided to use Anderson's split-pea soup because Campbell's split-pea soup wasn't green enough.

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Question: Was "caption howdy" the demon? Or did Regen make him up, the way some kids do?

Answer: It was indeed Pazuzu, he wanted Regan to believe he was some friendly entity to gain her trust. Thus the Captain Howdy facade.

Answer: The implication is that Captain Howdy was the name the demon gave itself while communicating with Regen prior to its possession of her.


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