All the Pretty Horses

Revealing mistake: When Alejandra comes to John's room the first time you see distinct t-shirt marks on John's upper body, his arms as tanned as his neck and face. This in spite of the fact that he wears long-sleeved shirts throughout the movie (except, of course, during his nightly encounters with Alejandra). (00:49:30)


Revealing mistake: When John and Lacey brand a calf it doesn't even wince when the iron hits the skin. It looks as if in Mexico they do branding under anaesthetic. (00:30:55)


Continuity mistake: As they approach the Rio Grande River, Matt Damon's shirt changes from wet to dry and back and from a denim shirt to another one several times in this sequence. (00:11:45)

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Lacey: You're just a deadhead. Just tell me one thing. What the hell would we want you with us for?
Jimmy: 'Cause I'm an American.

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