E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Continuity mistake: When Elliot is in the cornfield and sees ET for the first time, there are several shots of him shouting, crawling backwards really nervously. However, there's suddenly a brusque cut to an angle from behind where Elliot stands still totally calm. This shot is senseless.


Continuity mistake: When the family is having dinner, Gertie's head position and her hands on the fork are inconsistent between shots.


Other mistake: Whatever E.T. feels or things happen to him, Elliot experiences them too, but when Mary takes a photo on Halloween, only he faints and Elliot doesn't, despite their mental link.

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Suggested correction: E.T. doesn't faint. He is just startled and stumbles and falls over backwards.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end, ET's finger glows and he says "I'll be right here" but in the immediate opposite angle the finger's not glowing.


Continuity mistake: Elliot runs the curtain in the van where his brother is at the wheel. He grabs the curtain with his right hand, but in the next shot it has swapped to the left, and the right one is grabbing the lower part of the curtain.


Continuity mistake: When Gertie enters Elliot's room and sees ET for the first time, her doll switches around between shots.


Continuity mistake: While the van is escaping from the bad guys with the plastic tube attached to it, from the outside angles there are houses to the right, but from then shots inside the van there are hills. This changes back and forth.


Continuity mistake: When the movie starts with all of Mike's friends in the house, one of them picks up some snacks while someone speaks on the phone, yet in the inmediate angle from behind his hand is lowered.


Continuity mistake: When Elliot grabs the jar to free the frog, the frog stretches up and climbs the side, yet a frame later, from a different angle, it's sitting on the bottom of the jar.


Continuity mistake: When the kids are running away from the cops, the way the white blanket is folded around ET differs between the wide shots and the close-ups.


Continuity mistake: When Elliot and the bikers are about to fly, Elliot closes his eyes and there's a close-up on ET's eyes, which reflect a group of people running in front of him. From a wider angle, a frame later, there are two cars with 2 cops standing, no men running.


Continuity mistake: At the end, when ET tells Gertie to be good, the plant disappears, only to reappear in the next angle.


Continuity mistake: Elliot shows ET where home is and a close-up shows ET's hands very close together fidgeting with a red object. When the angle changes, the hands are way apart, and the object is gone.


Audio problem: When Elliot frees the frogs and cries "I gotta save you, I gotta let you go!", his lips aren't moving.


Continuity mistake: When ET meets Yoda, a group a kids crossing the street from left to right followed by a nurse suddenly appear out of nowhere.


Continuity mistake: When Gertie tells her mom "Mommy he can talk!" the remote control she was holding a second ago disappears.


Continuity mistake: Elliot brings food to ET and the toys fall on top of the food. Elliot stretches his fingers to grab the edge of the plate. A frame later, they are away from the edge.


Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis breath!

More quotes from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Trivia: When the children go out on Halloween night, they pass other children dressed up. One that they pass is dressed as Yoda from Star Wars, and at this point the music plays Yoda's theme from Star Wars. John Williams wrote the music for both films.

More trivia for E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Question: Why, at the beginning of the movie, is there a ton of smoke hovering over the table where the young boys are playing the game? I know they are not smoking cigarettes. The mother is obviously not smoking. Where is the all the smoke coming from? It isn't incense either.

William Bergquist

Chosen answer: They actually are smoking and there are cigarettes on the table.

Mike K

Answer: It didn't show anyone smoking but there is a lit and burning cigarette on the table.

Answer: They're definitely not smoking but there is a lot of smoke. You can see an actual flame at one point so I'm guessing incense.

Answer: There also is a can of insecticide AND air freshener. Years ago they were used to mask the smell of smoke. The mother was too busy and addled to notice them smoking.

More questions & answers from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

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