Escape from Alcatraz

Revealing mistake: At the start of the movie it's night and raining, but you do not see any drops of water hitting a surface anywhere although/but things appear to be wet. (00:00:58)

Revealing mistake: Frank is put in Block-D. Then one guard comes and slides open the door, and light pours onto Frank (who is curled up in the corner). It goes to a shot of the guard standing behind the bars, which he has not yet slid open. But in the previous shot when the light was on Frank, there were no shadows cast from the bars - there should have been. (00:31:55)


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Litmus: What's your name kid?
Charley Butts: Charley Butts.
Litmus: Charley's Butt? Hahahah, you got a pretty friggin' funny name kid.
Charley Butts: Oh yeah? What's yours?
Litmus: Al Capone.

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Trivia: Fred Ward, who played John Anglin in this film, would later go on to play a character in Naked Gun 33 1/3rd who escapes from prison as well.


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Answer: This is a fictional account of a real-life event and the people depicted in it. Frank Morris was a vicious and dangerous criminal who, played by movie-hero Clint Eastwood, is made into a sympathetic figure. The Wolf character, who was probably not real or highly fictionalized, is contrived solely to create conflict in the plot by making him Morris' enemy. It also shows the constant danger and abuse from other prisoners.


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