
Arnold Schwarzenegger plays John Kruger, a U.S. Marshal who "erases" the lives and identities of people entering the Witness Protection Program. John Kruger must protect an executive (Vanessa Williams) who's uncovered a deal to put a new super weapon in the wrong hands.

Other mistake: If the bullets from the super gun move at just under the speed of light, how come the bad guys can't hit him or the girl? The bullets would arrive almost instantaneously and that would mean minimal compensation for them running. Plus the guy had them locked on when he shot.

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Tony Two Toes: We're from the local 129th, sonny.
Mikey: We heard you was loading a ship without the assistance of bonefide union labor. Say it ain't so.

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Trivia: A projectile hitting the air at near the speed of light" (about 334,800,000 MPH) would instantly vaporise in a huge, blinding flash from the ridiculously intense frictional heating that would occur at such an enormous velocity in the atmosphere. The energy released would probably kill the shooter and anyone standing anywhere near him. Makes for a good movie effect though.

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