The End of the Affair

The End of the Affair (1999)

1 corrected entry

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Corrected entry: When Julianne Moore is ill in bed and Ralph Feinnes answers the door to the reverend, hos face is fairly clean shaven, but when he goes back into the house he is all stubbly.

Correction: He is pretty stubbly when he opens the door and pretty stubbly when he is back in the house, but there is no significant difference in stubbliness.


Plot hole: When Henry rings Maurice's doorbell to give the bad news about Sarah's fatal illness, Maurice and Sarah are upstairs in the bedroom. Maurice approaches the window and looks down while we see Henry looking up in his direction. That he walks away without trying to make contact makes no sense. (01:13:45)


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Sarah: Are you on a new book?
Maurice Bendrix: Of course.
Sarah: It's not about us, is it? The one you threatened to write?
Maurice Bendrix: A book takes a year to write. It's too hard work for revenge.
Sarah: If only you knew how little you had to revenge.
Maurice Bendrix: I'm joking. We are adults. We knew it had to end some time. Now we can have lunch and talk about your husband.

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