El Mariachi

Revealing mistake: When El Mariachi is trying to escape Moco's men by sliding down a wire onto the bus, he first throws the ball-and-chain-weapon over the wire. But then when he slides down, you can see a pulley device that he is using, not the chain. (00:26:45)

Revealing mistake: When Azul is in the bar and goes into the men's room to execute the man inside, we look straight at the men's room door. You hear a gun shot, but you can see you can see a flash reflected. That means that what ever made the gunshot sound was behind the camera. Also in the same shot you can see a man's shadow on the door. (00:17:40)


More mistakes in El Mariachi

Trivia: When the Marichi is singing 'Ganas de vivir' in the bar to a full house, Domino is at the bar watching him perform. We then see a customer snap his fingers at her to get her attention, and to get a drink. When she serves him, we see him for the first time. According to the commentary, he is the actual owner of the bar.

Allister Cooper, 2011

More trivia for El Mariachi

Question: Is it true that, out of all actors who appeared in this movie, only Carlos Gallardo had experience in acting before starring in this film?

Answer: He was not the only professional actor in the film. However, the movie was made on a shoe-string budget, and, to save money, most of the cast were non-professional local residents.

raywest Premium member

More questions & answers from El Mariachi

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