Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Question: Does anyone know which Scottish loch Harry rides over on Buckbeak, assuming it is a real loch and not CG?

Answer: According to the IMDB, they filmed at Loch Shiel.


Question: How is it that when the kids are on the train with Lupin, Lupin is able to preform the Patronus spell without saying the incantation?

Answer: There is something that witches and wizards can learn, and it's called nonverbal spells.

Answer: There are numerous examples in the series of adult wizards and witches casting spells without any incantation. Presumably, as they age and gain experience, they no longer need to say the incantation out loud - they may choose to, or possibly speaking the words aloud increases the potential power of the spell. The pupils at the school need to know the incantations, so are told to speak them out loud - this would allow the teachers to correct flaws in pronounciation and so forth.


Question: Can anyone tell me who the person is that is conducting the choir at Hogwarts? I thought it was Flitwick but he had long silvery hair in the first 2 films and the person conducting has short black hair.

Answer: The new director, Alfonso Cuaron, changed Flitwick's look to make him look "younger." Now, instead of long grayish hair he has short, dark black hair.

Question: Sirius' beard looks very full. Did Gary Oldman have to grow it all out, or were parts of it real and others added as a part of his costume?

Answer: Sirius' beard had to be grown out and then they added some artificial parts to it to make it look like it does in the movie.

Question: Does anyone know what the symbols carved on the back of the seat risers in Trelawney's classroom are and what they mean?

Answer: The symbols were just done by the crew to make the set look more magical and strange. They have no real meaning.

Question: In the scene where Draco was struck by Buckbeak. You see Hermione run up saying to take him to the hospital. If you look she has the timeturner outside of her shirt. Isn't the timeturner supposed to be a secret?


Chosen answer: She wears it as a necklace. Anyone knows that a necklace can pop out of your shirt at anytime. She was just careless. Anyhow I doubt any of the others around her would know that it was a timeturner and probably didn't notice it at all.


Answer: Eye rolling is a rude act in general. People do that because they think the other person is being what they believe to be "stupid" and are visually making it known by eye rolling. Hermione believes Harry is being "stupid" because risking being seen could cause the others in the hut, including himself, to think dark magic is going on and they may attack the Harry traveling back in time. She's rolling her eyes to let it he visually known that she believes he's being "stupid" by putting himself in harm's way out of anger.

Question: Is there anywhere I could find behind the scenes of Buckbeak's execution? From before they went back in time? If so, can I please have a link?

Answer: Buckbeak was never executed. Harry, Hermione, and Ron had mistakenly believed he was because from their vantage point on the hill, they could not see that Buckbeak had already disappeared. What they initially saw was the executioner swinging his ax in frustration because Buckbeak was gone. We learn later that the "alternate" Harry and Hermione had already rescued him before the execution. Therefore, there are no scenes filmed showing this.


I know that. I meant are there any behind the scenes videos for that scene at all.

There is this on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR8stMyZWq0.


Thank you. Please let me know if there's more.

Why would they film scenes that would never make it into the movie?

Happens all the time - they often end up on DVD. They're removed for editing or pacing reasons, or an alternative scene is filmed.

The request was for behind the scenes footage, not unused footage.

Question: I don't understand the ending bit. Why did Lupin and Sirius Black want to kill Harry, then when Pettigrew turned up they all became friends? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Answer: Neither Lupin nor Black ever wanted to kill Harry. Black was only at Hogwarts to get Pettigrew (in the form of Ron's rat), who he knew to be the real murderer. Lupin thought Black was evil and had killed Harry's parents until the truth came out that it was Pettigrew. Then he sided with Black, renewing their old friendship.


Answer: Lupin never believed Black was evil or killed Harry's parents. They've always maintained their friendship. When Professor Snape burst in, at the old house, he said, he told Dumbledorf that Lupin was hiding someone on the school grounds. They didn't know who killed Harry's parents until Pettigrew's name appeared on the map.

Yes, he did. Until he saw Pettigrew on the map, Remus was as sure of Sirius' guilt as anyone else was. He says as much in the book.

Question: When Harry and Sirius are being attacked by the Dementors at the lake, Harry sees a glowing stag across the water. When Harry wakes up in the infirmary he says that he saw his father. Since his parents were killed when he was just a baby, how could he have known that the stag was his fathers animagi?

Answer: This is better answered by the book. Apparently each person has a different animal or shape that appears when they use the patronas spell. Professor Lupin (maybe Sirius) told Harry in the book that his father's patronas or shape was the White Stag. When Harry and Sirius were being attacked by the Dementors, Harry thought the White Stag Patronas was his father come back to save them. He only realized later that his own patronas was also a White Stag like his father.

Mark English

Question: In the scene where Hermione grabs Ron's hand, you can see Malfoy in the background pointing and laughing at something. Is he pointing at Harry and Buckbeak or has he noticed Ron and Hermione's awkward hand-grab?

Answer: He's laughing at Harry's situation, expecting him to get mauled at any moment.


Question: Does anyone know why they changed the position of the fat lady (the entrance to the Gryffindor tower) in this film? She's along a deserted corridor in the previous films, but she's in the main stairwell in POA.

Answer: Cuaron changed the locations of a lot of things. See: Whomping Willow, Hagrid's Hut among others. Why? It's his film, he did things his way, as he had every right to.


Question: Why is Hermione wearing a bandage? I see no injury to her hand but when they travel back in time she has a bandage on her hand.


Answer: You can see blood on Hermione's hand when Ron says "Scabbers has been in my family for..." before Sirius says "12 years"

Chosen answer: There's no reason given and it is not part of the story line. Most likely, at some point during the filming of this scene, Emma Watson suffered some minor injury and needed to wear a bandage.


Answer: She could have injured it while she was on the Whomping Willow.

Question: When Harry's boggart turns into a dementor, Lupin dives in front and says "ridiculous". He then later says he did this because he thought the boggart would turn into Lord Voldemort. But the boggart wasn't Lord Voldemort, but just a dementor. So that excuse doesn't hold up. Why wouldn't he let harry fend off the boggart like the rest of the class?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: He says that he instinctively thought the boggart would turn into Voldemort. He jumped in front of this as Harry had already had dealings with a dementor, and the boggart would be able to weald the same powers a dementor has. He knew once Harry had seen the dementor that he would not be able to deal with it due to his past experience.


Answer: First I should say that Hogwarts students started wearing more Muggle type clothing due to director Alfonso Cuaron and the costume designer Jany Temime. Their decision was popular with the teenage cast because now the onscreen attire was more casual, even their school uniforms were more relaxed. Emma was quite happy with this change, because wearing jeans and other ordinary clothing was more comfortable than the entire school uniform, and it helped with the teen's personal character development, as well as being easier to do stunts.

Super Grover

Answer: Sirius was attempting to break into the Gryffindor common room to find and kill Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail), who had been disguised as Ron's pet rat, Scabbers for the past twelve years.


Following on from this answer, when the Fat Lady would not give him access to the tower because he didn't have the password, Sirius (not Lupin) became angry and slashed the painting in an attempt to get her to open and allow him access. However, she still refused him access and then left the portrait, essentially sealing off the common room.


Answer: She meant he can't come with them on their time-turning trip because he is bedridden.


Question: Why did Ripper bite Vernon's leg? Did he think he was inflating Marge, or was Harry using his magic to control the dog into doing it?


Answer: Ripper is just a mean dog and badly raised by Marge (who is a dog breeder).


Answer: That, and he was also instinctively protecting his awful mistress.

Plus some dogs are just nasty and bite for the sake of it.


Question: In the boggart scene, is all of the scene filmed in the mirror? To begin with, when Lupin says, "Fascinating, isn't it' the camera comes 'out' of the mirror, and at the end of the scene, the camera comes 'out' again when Harry is staring at the cupboard, so was it all filmed in the mirror?

Answer: The opening shot behind Parvati Patel, as Lupin muses, "Intriguing, isn't it?" is actually the reflection, note the stairs on the left leading to Lupin's office. The camera then pans into the mirror and it is then the real world, so to speak, for the entire scene, note the stairs again and more importantly Harry's scar. When the balloon Boggart re-enters the wardrobe, the camera pans back into the mirror and this is once again the reflection as Lupin dismisses the class.

Super Grover

Question: In the scene where Malfoy is sitting in the great Hall (after the Hippogriff attack when he's cradling his arm), a black-haired girl says something like, "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Who is she?

Answer: It is likely that she is Pansy Parkinson, a very unpleasant Slytherin schoolgirl, who tends to join in with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle when they pick on Harry and co.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: When Malfoy and his friends bother Ron and Hermione, Harry shows up and messes with the three boys. He grabs hold of Malfoy's feet, lifts them in the air and pulls him across the snow. In the first close-up of the soles of Malfoy's boots, not a speck of snow is on them, though he was just walking in it. Then in the next close-up, his feet still in the air, the soles are now covered in snow. (01:02:45)

Super Grover

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Trivia: Actor Tom Felton's Hogwarts' robes' pockets had to be sewn shut to prevent him from taking food on set.

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