Defending Your Life

Corrected entry: In the flashback of Daniel covering for his friend's art supplies, the teacher asks the class how much the supplies are. When he asks the class how much the paints are, most of the class says, "$3" but you can clearly make out some kids saying, "3.50." The error repeats itself when the teacher asks how much are the supplies in total, and the class says, "$13," but some kids say, "13.50."

Correction: This isn't a mistake. This is a clear case of kids not exactly knowing the costs.

Ian Hunt

Other mistake: When Daniel is at the Italian restaurant with Julia, the waiter says he will bring Daniel 9 pies. When Daniel is carrying them into the hotel after dinner, it is clear is only carrying 8 pies.

More mistakes in Defending Your Life

Daniel Miller: Where were you? I'm just curious.
Bob Diamond: I'd tell you, but you wouldn't understand.
Daniel Miller: Don't treat me like a moron. Try me.
Bob Diamond: I was trapped near the inner circle of thought.
Daniel Miller: I don't understand.
Bob Diamond: I told you.

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