Deep Blue Sea

Continuity mistake: When Preacher says "Leave that to the white folks, brother," to Franklin, you can see that Preacher looks rather serious. When it cuts, Preacher is instantly smiling. (00:19:20)

Continuity mistake: When Carter is swimming down to the hatch, just after the technician has been eaten, you can see that when there's a shot showing what he can see, there's a straight beam of light presumably from his torch as that's the only source it could come from. However, when the camera moves back to see Carter swimming through the water, you can see that the torch he is carrying is moving around violently as he is trying to swim to the hatch. There's no way Carter could have held that torch straight enough for it to produce such a straight beam of light, especially since he's busy trying to escape being eaten by a freakishly smart shark. (01:17:35)

Continuity mistake: Throughout the film, people's clothes get drier/wetter instantly. Most noticeable after Whitlock is attacked and rescued by the helicopter - everyone gets soaked but inside are dry. (00:42:20)


Continuity mistake: At the start of the film when the man is trying to remove the licence plate from the sharks mouth you see a shot of him holding on to the fin on the huge shark from above the water. you can see the man is a good bit away from the mouth of the shark yet when we see the underwater shot he is just finger tips from the license plate. (00:09:20)

Continuity mistake: Look carefully at the licence plate when Blake removes it from the shark's mouth. It bends and flexes as though it's made out of rubber or even cardboard. Of course in the next scene when he throws it on the walkway, it's an ordinary licence plate. (00:09:30)

Continuity mistake: When Preacher is cutting through the oven, between the shots from where he is, and the view from the section of oven above him, the damage is entirely different. (00:53:50)


Continuity mistake: In the part where they are climbing up the ladder and there's fire on the roof, just after the shark attack Preacher comes and pulls them up with knotted clothes, then he pulls it in with them through the door. When they go back the knotted clothes are there again.

Continuity mistake: Carter puts a bandage on his right arm because of the blood. When he tries to shot the shark the bandage gets larger.


Continuity mistake: When the shark is attacking the oven which the preacher is in, the shark severely damages the oven's glass door. Later, when it cuts to a shot from outside while the shark is bashing against the door, only a few cracks are visible in the glass. (00:53:40)


Factual error: Near the beginning when the boat pulls up and the guy on the boat tells the blond convict he's got a beauty 13 foot "Tiger shark" that's up in some sort of sling, the so called tiger shark is actually the same robot mako shark from the rest of the movie, just with stripes on it. Tiger sharks have a blunt rounded nose, not a pointed one like a great white. (00:07:35)

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Tom Scoggins: They're big, real big.
Carter Blake: What's that?
Tom Scoggins: The size of your brass balls!

More quotes from Deep Blue Sea

Trivia: In both Jaws and Deep Blue Sea there is a scene involving a license plate. In Jaws it is removed from the belly of the dead tiger shark. In Deep Blue Sea it is removed from the teeth of a tiger shark. Not only are both sharks the same kind but both plates are from Louisiana. The license plate number is the same in both films: 007 o 981 Exp 72-73.

More trivia for Deep Blue Sea

Question: I know that Susan was originally supposed to survive and kill the last shark but the test audience greatly disapproved of this. Why did the test audience hate the original ending? And why is this ending unavailable to watch?

Answer: They viewed her as a villain because it was her research that backfired and caused all of the chaos, even though none of it was intentional and it was a mistake. But audiences can be ruthless and unforgiving at times. However, the ending did feel like a cheap cop-out that created more plot holes. And many do feel she should have survived and completed her character arc. I don't know why they never offered the ending as a bonus feature on the DVD, but fans started a petition on the Change site calling for Warner to release the original ending. Thomas Jane is on board as well, as he's promoting it on his Instagram account. So that's probably the best way to get Warner's attention if you want to see the original ending.

Answer: Audiences viewed Susan as a villain of sorts, because all the mayhem and deaths in the film are a direct result of her breaching protocol, so they decided to rewrite the ending to have her die. As for why it's unavailable to view, perhaps the filmmakers didn't think people would be interested in seeing it.


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