Airplane II: The Sequel

Continuity mistake: Before Jimmy's dog is shot at, a woman walks behind Jimmy's mom, but then disappears in the immediate shot that follows.


Revealing mistake: A patient is being battered the hell out of by six doctors with clubs at the mental hospital. The clubs are obviously made out of rubber since they are seen flapping all over the place. (00:08:50)

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: The 'solid fuel' hatch on the shuttle is not burning the coal. The gas jets can just be seen at the bottom of the hatch, and the fire nearly goes out as the shovel blocks the gas.

Revealing mistake: The doctors who are beating up the patient at the Ronald Reagan hospital are actually hitting the mattress. One of them on the left keeps waiting for the patient to move away to avoid hitting him.


Revealing mistake: The scared woman gets slapped by a long line of people at the trial. When the judge slaps her, the slap misses the woman but she still reacts to it. (00:27:45)

Casual Person

McCroskey : Would somebody please tell me what in Sam Hill a woman is doing up there in charge of that ship?
Jacobs: Well, maybe she's got her ship together.

More quotes from Airplane II: The Sequel

Trivia: During the credits, after they name the "best boy", they name the "worst boy", Adolf Hitler.


More trivia for Airplane II: The Sequel

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