Crimson Tide

Crimson Tide (1995)

21 corrected entries

(12 votes)

Corrected entry: Why is it that all Submarine movies have the obligatory flooding scene, yet no one ever does the math on how much force it takes to close a hatch after the compartment is flooded. In the scene in question there is flooding in what is known as the "Snake Pit" on submarines. The sailor tries to save his buddy but finally has to close the hatch when his shipmate cannot get out in time. Unfortunately, everyone should die because of this error. Mathematically the hatch, which on my sub was 28" is too big to be able to close against sea pressure, Area of a circle is: pi times r squared so; 28/2 = 14, 14 squared = 196, 196 times 3.1416 (pi) = 615 Sea pressure at 100 feet is 44 pounds per square inch so 44 times 615 inches is 27,060 pounds of force on the underside of that hatch. Divided by 2000 pounds per ton means that that sailor, who successfully closed that hatch in the movie, must have weighed over 13.5 tons.

Correction: The pressure calculation should be done on the opening of the hole in the hull, not the opening of the hatch. The pressure at the hatch can only be as high as the pressure at the hole in the hull. There would still have been air in the compartment he was in, and that would absorb some of the pressure.

Correction: I agree, flooding seems to be a required staple in too many sub movies. But its dramatic effect cannot be denied. It works. In this example, Lt Hellerman single-handedly nearly dooms the whole boat. By failing to man-up to the urgency of the situation and take the required action, he waited till water started overflowing the hatch coaming. In a real-life situation, it would still be easy to close the hatch before water rose to that level. But unlike air, water is not compressible and will have the same hydrostatic pressure as the seawater at that depth, which was shown to be 1753ft. At that depth (53 ATM), the pressure on the 28" scuttle would be about [ (1753/33) +1] x 14.7 x 618 / 2000 = 246 Tons .


Factual error: Throughout the movie, all sorts of messages are passed over the 1MC (ship's intercom) when the boat is supposed to be stealthy. They've set "Ultra Quiet" to avoid the enemy sub but no-one was any quieter, and everyone was still using the 1MC. Worse, people are shouting commands and status updates, both in person, and over the intercom! No wonder that Akula found them. The only thing protecting this ship was plot armor! In real life, messages would be passed quietly using sound powered phones (which we also see), rather than blasting the info loudly to the entire crew, because sonar will literally pick up the sounds of loudspeakers and people shouting. Let's not even mention classified target data being passed to the entire ship's crew on the 1MC. (00:49:00)

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Trivia: In the beginning of the movie, where it shows a rather scenic footage of the sub about to dive, the exact shot was also used in G.I. Jane. Note that Crimson Tide was directed by Tony Scott and GI Jane by brother Ridley. A bit of sibling teamwork?

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Question: The disagreement between Hunter and Ramsey centers on the interpretation of the message that got cut off - Hunter says it might be a recall order so it has to be verified before they launch missiles; Ramsey says it is meaningless because it got cut off, so they should proceed with their original orders. I do understand that the captain was working within a scary time limit (one hour till the Russians could fire their missiles), but I don't understand how anyone could justify not spending part of that hour trying to confirm the cut-off message. Naval command would hardly have radioed them again to say "Yes, we really want you to fire your missiles, we're just telling you again for emphasis," so that means it was not just possible but extremely likely that the cut-off message was a recall order. Given that, how could anyone in their right mind want to cause a nuclear holocaust without first trying to find out what the cut-off message really said?

Answer: In a war situation, the Captain is absolutely NOT allowed to try and contact anyone, lest it gives their position away, which is why he was unable to question or confirm the order.


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