City Slickers 2

City Slickers 2 (1994)

1 corrected entry

(2 votes)

Corrected entry: When Mitch is in the caves he falls into a mining car, and while he is riding a car falls off, but then in a later shot the second car is back.

Correction: The 2nd car never reappears in any later shots. There are times when the car Mitch is in casts a shadow that the submitter possibly thinks is a 2nd car.


Continuity mistake: When Mitch is trying to find the hand, Glen grabs the map. When he grabs the map there is a hole in it, but before he sets it on fire, the hole is gone.

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Mitch: Don't mess with us! We're from New York.
Duke: If you ever talk to me like that again, I'm gonna turn your balls into earrings.
Mitch: Go for it.

More quotes from City Slickers 2

Trivia: Just as in the first film, Mitch (Billy Crystal) wears a Mets hat the entire movie, yet Billy Crystal is a die hard Yankees fan.

More trivia for City Slickers 2

Question: What song were Mitch, Phil and Glen humming before Duke to told them to stop?

Answer: "The Godfather Waltz", the main title theme to the Godfather film. It's a reference from early where Glen is a fan of the film.


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