Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane (1941)

2 suggested corrections

(3 votes)

Revealing mistake: When they are inspecting the statues at the end of the movie, somebody touches one of them. It wobbles as if it was made of something else than stone.

Dr Wilson

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Suggested correction: Well, it could very well be made of something other than stone, ie. plaster on a framework, whitewashed wood, no reason not to be, maybe Kane was being concerned about weight or else cheap.


Factual error: When they are driving to the Everglades for a picnic, the sea is at their left. As Xanadu and the Everglades are on the Gulf coast, the sea should be at their right.

Dr Wilson

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Suggested correction: That depends on which direction are you filming, north-south or vice versa.

Continuity mistake: In the scene with the lovely dancing ladies, Cotten blows cigar smoke just before a cut to him from the opposite angle. From this angle there is no smoke. This takes place just before Wells throws his jacket to Cotten.

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Charles Foster Kane: You know, Mr. Bernstein, if I hadn't been very rich, I might have been a really great man.

More quotes from Citizen Kane

Trivia: The shot of the loud, squawking bird was purposely placed by Orson Welles to make sure the audience was still awake.

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