
Chisum (1970)


(6 votes)

Movie Quote Quiz

James Pepper: You know, there's an old saying, Miss Sally. There's no law west of Dodge and no God west of the Pecos. Right, Mr. Chisum?
John Simpson Chisum: Wrong, Mr. Pepper. Because no matter where people go, sooner or later there's the law. And sooner or later they find God's already been there.

Neemo: So if you want these horses, I sell them to you. Did you bring some gold with you?
John Simpson Chisum: No.
Neemo: Silver?
John Simpson Chisum: Just lead.

John Simpson Chisum: We may have to be neighbors, but I don't have to be neighborly.

Morton: You're going to shoot us, ain't you Chisum?
John Simpson Chisum: I thought about it. Then I thought about something Henry Tunstall once said. He watched a man walk to the gallows... saw him hang. He said it was ghastly. Well, I've seen men hang, and that's the word - ghastly. You two are going to hang.

Jess Evans: That man there, he's meaner than a gut shot grizzly.

Billy the Kid: I made you a promise, Mr. Tunstall. Now I'm making myself a promise. It says in the Bible, "The candle of the wicked shall be put out."

Pat Garrett: Well, I'm upwind and I smell it on you.
Billy the Kid: Buffalo?
Pat Garrett: Death.
Billy the Kid: I see what you mean. Can it ever go away? That smell I mean.
Pat Garrett: Sure it can, with time, good company and patience.

Sheriff Brady: He's deader than a can of corned beef. You just had to kill him, huh?
Dan Nodeen: A whole lot less trouble that way.

James Pepper: What are you going to do?
John Simpson Chisum: What I had done twenty-five years ago. Pat, get the men out of South Camp. Trace, you round up everybody that can ride a horse or pull a trigger. Let's break out some Winchesters.

Other mistake: The steer horn that penetrates Forrest Tucker near the end of the movie is at right angles to the rest of the steer horn.

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