Trivia: When Quasimodo is singing a few minutes into the film, he is standing above the town street where people are walking around, doing business. If you look closely to the lower right of the scene, you can see Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" reading a book in her blue dress, walking.
Trivia: Two of the talking gargoyles are named Victor, and another is named Hugo. Victor Hugo was the author of the original novel 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'.
Trivia: Where you can see Belle from Beauty and the Beast, you can also see Pumbaa from the Lion King being carried on one of those stick things they use for dead animals.
Trivia: There are several 'Hidden Mickeys' in the railings at the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Trivia: When the soldiers fall after Quasimodo pulls the rope they were holding, a "Goofy Holler" can be heard.
Answer: That's a good question. France actually fought no wars between the Battle of Castillon in 1451, and the Italian Wars which began in 1494. Seeing as the movie takes place in 1482 it seems strange that Phoebus would have fought in any war, unless he is at least 45 years old.