Donnie Darko

Audio problem: In the first dinner scene, look closely at the way Eddie Darko's mouth moves as he laughs after the "What's a f***ass?" question from Samantha. He takes a bite of his pizza, and his mouth movements do not match the sound of his laughter.

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Suggested correction: They actually do match, anyone can laugh and not move that drastically, also he doesn't take a bite, he is on the verge of biting, simply pressing his teeth on the pizza.

Visible crew/equipment: When Donnie and his Dad are in the car, talking, prior to nearly hitting Grandma Death, in the window behind Donnie's Dad is the reflection of a vehicle which says "Darko" clearly on it. There's also the reflection of a clapperboard on the backseat. (00:21:00)


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Dr. Lilian Thurman: Donnie, an atheist is someone who denies altogether the existence of God. You're an agnostic. An agnostic is someone who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny the possibility that God exists.

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Trivia: When Donnie is about to enter the car with Gretchen near the end of the film, he clutches at his stomach as if in pain, and we see Frank touch his eye after Donnie dies. Both these moments foreshadow pain: a deleted scene of Donnie's death shows a pole impaling his stomach right where he clutched it. And Donnie shoots Frank in the eye.

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Question: What is the music track that plays during the scene where Donnie is talking to Frank in the bathroom inter-cut with the teacher complaining about the book being read to the students?


Chosen answer: Song: Manipulated Living. Composer: Michael Andrews.

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