Assault on Precinct 13

Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)

1 corrected entry

(4 votes)

Corrected entry: The gang set up a road block at both ends of the street, presumably to stop people coming down the street and seeing what is going on, but wouldn't people be suspicious about this unofficial road block anyway and inform the police by some means?

Correction: People in rough neighborhoods have a tendency to just look the other way.

Factual error: In the scene where Julie, the secretary, has been discovered dead; the lieutenant approaches her, kneels down, and checks for a pulse with his thumb. As anyone with any medical knowledge should know, if you attempt to take someone's pulse with your thumb, you will get your own pulse and not the victim's.

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Trivia: The assault takes place on Precinct 9, Division 13. There is no "Precinct 13" in the film. At first John Carpenter wanted to call the film "The Anderson Alamo" (the original title of his screenplay), and at one point he changed the working title to "The Siege." CKK, the film's distributor, was responsible for the misnomer; it rejected Carpenter's titles and came up with the name "Assault on Precinct 13" (which it felt was more ominous sounding) during post-production.


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Question: Is the ice cream man the same person who plays the man who says "We've got a stretcher for you, ma'am"?

Answer: No.

Gavin Jackson

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