Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Continuity mistake: When Ace is tied to the raft, he is wearing a completely different shirt from the one he was wearing in the previous scene. Furthermore, the one he is wearing on the raft got torn earlier in the film after he was hit with the tranquiliser darts, but has been miraculously repaired.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene with the two Australians in the hut when the camera switches to a wider shot as soon as the bald headed guy says, "Disgusting rat!" the boom mic dips into view for a second.

Continuity mistake: When Ace is driving the car (near the beginning), before he turns into the jungle "short cut", they are in clear terrain. When they show him turning, there are tons of trees around.

Continuity mistake: During the Cliffhanger skit at the beginning, the rigging holding the racoon starts to break, at first it shows the stress fracture breaking left to right. When it breaks, it breaks vertically.

Continuity mistake: In the mansion in the scene at the chess table for half the scene the chess pieces are there. The end of the scene, the pieces are gone.

Other mistake: When Ace supposedly wipes the loogies from his eyes you can see his palms are under his eyesockets.

Continuity mistake: When Ace is hit with darts, his shirt falls off his shoulder but in the next shot, it's back on.

Other mistake: When Ace is dancing with the unconscious Monopoly Guy, you see a shot of the woman with the fur scarf near the bottom of the stairs. But, when Ace turns around near the bottom of the stairs, she is not there. It might be hard to see, but she was there, the guy on Ace's shoulders would've hit her.

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Suggested correction: It is indeed hard to see, but she is almost completely obscured by Ace and the monopoly guy. In one instant a piece of her elbow is behind Ace though, to his left between his belt and the monopoly guy's leg. So she is there.


Other mistake: When the Wachatti chief spits in Ace's face, you can clearly see it goes to the side of his body, thus never hitting his face.

Other mistake: When Ace is singing "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" in the car, he drives his car through a creek. Then we see a shot of Spike (the monkey) covering his head with a map to keep him from getting wet. In the very next shot we see Greenwall with that same map in his hands.

Continuity mistake: Toward the end of the movie, the consul guy is running from the tribes for stealing the bat and he has a rip on his right shoulder. But in the next scene when he turns around to see the gorilla, the rip has vanished. In this same scene, when the ape opens it's mouth, you can see a shining piece of unpainted metal.


Continuity mistake: As Ace is struggling to keep hold of the raccoon, one shot shows the orange bag/backpack on the raccoon's back. The next shot above the raccoon shows no orange bag. (00:05:40)

Continuity mistake: When Ace first spots the raccoon on the ledge the shot of the raccoon pacing shows no other ledges to the lower right of the stranded animal. However, when Ace rescues the raccoon we see that the anchored rope is up and just left of the ledge Ace is on. (00:04:05)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning where Ace has retrieved the raccoon, the first shot of the animal looking down shows two red clips touching each other. In the next close up shot, there is only one red clip shown with no others near it. (00:05:00)

Ace: Tell them what I'm saying. [To Wachootoo tribe] I come in peace.
Ouda: White devil say, "I will harm you."
Ace: I couldn't help but notice that Eqinsu Ocha part. Did you just refer to me as White Devil?
Ouda: This how they know you.
Ace: Leave that part out from now on. [To tribe] I represent the princess.
Ouda: I am a princess.
Ace: War is hell. The last thing we want is a fight.
Ouda: I want to fight. So go to Hell.

More quotes from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Trivia: Until Dumb and Dumber To, this was the only sequel Jim Carrey ever did to one of his own movies. He doesn't like to do sequels but did this one due to popular demand.

More trivia for Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Question: Greenwall says that the warrior must stand on the tower for five days. Wouldn't he die of dehydration?

Answer: Not if somebody climbed up and gave him some water to drink.

Answer: As someone else said, somebody could give him water. The test might be more about staying in one place and denying himself the daily activities and pleasures of life - not having access to his usual amount of water and food.

More questions & answers from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

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