The Alamo

Question: What did Crockett say his men should change their seedlings for?

Answer: No, that's not him. Robert Mitchum has no part in this movie.


Continuity mistake: In an early scene Travis and Dickenson are in Travis's office. Travis goes to the mantel, gets a cigar and pours himself a glass of sherry. In a later scene, when Travis meets Crockett in the cantina he refuses a drink from Crockett claiming he doesn't drink, ever.

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Jim Bowie: I'd hate to say anything good about that long-winded jackanapes, but he does know the short way to start a war.

More quotes from The Alamo

Trivia: The final battle took four days to film in December of 1959. It cost was 2 million dollars.


More trivia for The Alamo

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