Billy Madison

Billy Madison played by adam sandler is a boy who people thought nothing of until he decided to redo grades 1-12 .billy must do this because his father is retiring and he thinks billy is not quite responsible or mature enough to run a fortune 500 company. rival to billy,eric who is played by bradley whittford is going to be given responsibility of madison hotels if billy screws up in his "new education" billy nearly succeeds but falls short because eric blackmails max(principal of billys elementary)into publically televising a lie about billy paying max to pass him.max eventually fesses up and says he was lying the whole time.billy gets a second chance at winning his fathers company by having a academic decathlon with rival eric.this competition will be held at billys home school and billy sneaks his way through with help from high school friend and max(the revolting blob).after the competition billy wins the company and fathers respect.fortunately billly hands over the company to his fathers loyal associate and decides to got to college and be a teacher.

Revealing mistake: On Billy's first day of school when he is outside waiting for the bus and it just passes him you hear the noise of kids on a bus, but when it passes no one is in it.

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High School Principal: If there's any attempt by either contestant to cheat, especially with my wife, who is a dirty, dirty, tramp, I am just going to snap.


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Trivia: Something to look for: In the scene where Billy calls the people to apologise, that guy crosses his name off the "people to kill list." If you look at the top of the list, the name Bob Simonds is there. Bob Simonds is the producer of the movie.

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