Police Academy

Police Academy (1984)


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Movie Quote Quiz

Carey Mahoney: What are you in for?
Larvell Jones: I'll show you. [holds a microphone to his mouth and imitates gun fire causing everyone to drop to the floor.]

Chief Hurnst: Back in the old days, there were Johnsons as far as they eye could see.

Cadet Leslie Barbara: Of all the guys who I thought were gonna make it, Hightower was the one. I mean, if all the cops looked like him there'd be no crime at all.

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: You know, Mahoney, I'd like to spend the next ten weeks breaking you into little pieces. But I won't. Because you're bad. You're bad for morale, Mahoney. Oh, you look like the sweet little boy from next door. But you don't fool me, oh no. You're the devil, and you're rotten to the core, and you're ruining my chance to train some people who might make pretty good cops!

Cmndt. Eric Lassard: What's wrong with this man?
Cadet Leslie Barbara: There was gunplay, sir, and he missed it.

George Martin: To me, marriage is a sacred institution. So tell me, you and the wife do it doggie-style, or what?

Police Academy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film, Mahoney is wearing a white shirt with badges on it from the company he works for. When he's being interrogated by Sgt. Reed the shirt remains the same until the last part of the scene. The camera stays on Mahoney and we can see that the badges on the shirt are gone. If you look closely, you will notice that he is even wearing a completely different white shirt, which now looks more scruffy and creased. (00:08:00)


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Question: What song is playing at the Blue Oyster Bar when Copeland and Blankes are forced to dance with the patrons? It's the one that has, what I think is a mambo like sound.

Answer: The song is called "El Bimbo" and was performed by Jean-Marc Dompierre and his Orchestra. It's a cover version, the song was originally produced by Bimbo Jet (a French group). This song is played in several other Police Academy films.


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