Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)

54 mistakes

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Continuity mistake: After Freddy gets bullied by the high school jocks and returns to talk to Anthea, he leaves his locker door open to walk her to class. When the camera pans around, his locker door is closed. (00:24:47)

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Suggested correction: Freddy's locker is 4th from the right (he shuts it at the start of the scene). When Anthea says, "You knew those guys were gonna hit you," the ginger-haired girl in an orange sweater is at her open locker, 2nd from the right, and Freddy walks over. As Freddy says, "That's how I amuse myself," we see the ginger girl stand patiently behind Freddy while he uses her open locker to unbend his crutch. When Freddy says, "Walk you to class? No. Why would I wanna do that? YES!" we see the ginger girl ready to get her locker back. She closes her locker while offscreen in the next shot. Then in the next shot, as the camera faces Freddy and Anthea, in the background we see ginger girl stand at her now closed locker.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the group enter the parents' room as superheroes, the father's right foot is covered up by the sheets. A shot later, it's not.


Shazam! Fury of the Gods mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the bridge, when Freddy grabs both cars and stops them from falling down, the driver on the left pops his head out the window, then back in, and then he pops it out again. A mere frame later his head is inside and his body is in a different position with both hands on the wheel.


Revealing mistake: During the havoc at the museum, a visitor jumps headfirst into a stone column that falls apart. The volute falls to the ground and bounces around, revealing it's a prop.


Continuity mistake: After Shazam has broken several bottles, he talks with a couple of guys and a breeze starts blowing, knocking out a brown bottle behind him. A shot later, the bottle is suddenly standing up again. This swaps back and forth a couple of times. (02:01:00)


Continuity mistake: When the Wizard shows up during dinner, he takes his glasses off and extends his arms. From the opposite angle, they're lowered.


Continuity mistake: When Billy sits down to dinner, he is looking to our right. For a brief close-up shot, he is looking at our left until the shot swaps back to the previous angle.


Continuity mistake: When the family is having dinner, Mary reaches for the serving spoon. Shot changes and her hand is away, and she is reaching for the spoon again.


Continuity mistake: In the parking lot, Anthea confronts the dragon while all the cops run away past her, leaving her alone, as seen in the wide angle. In the close-up, a bunch of cops suddenly appear out of nowhere, running away and passing next to her again.


Continuity mistake: In the parking lot, when Anthea tries to stop the dragon, she extends both arms and hands. Then, she turns her left hand around slowly. But from the opposite angle, both hands are still in the previous position, and she is turning her left hand around again. (01:32:13)


Continuity mistake: After the dome has been built, when the parents watch the news, there's a shot from behind Rosa where her arms are lowered. Cut to a front shot and they're raised. Then she lowers them, cut to a new angle, and they're raised again only to lower them a second later.


Continuity mistake: At the junkyard, Freddy tosses the golden apple at Shazam, who then stands behind a car, by the driver's side. A shot later, he's suddenly three meters to the right of the car.


Continuity mistake: When the parents are woken up by the noise, Rosa rises and the sheets are not covering her chest. A shot later they are. (01:12:00)


Continuity mistake: When Darla arrives home with the kitten, the position of her left hand differs between the close-up and the following shot.


Continuity mistake: When Mary is bringing people safely on the bridge, not only are they not continuous between shots, but a paramedic suddenly appears behind the ambulance on the right.


Continuity mistake: Before Super Hero Darla arrives at the yellow car, the co-pilot is looking behind her. An instant cut later, she is looking ahead.


Shazam! Fury of the Gods mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the bridge, when Super Hero Darla saves the kittens, on the first shot there are three kittens. A black one with blue eyes and white fur inside his big pointy ears is meowing. A shot later, the two brown kittens have vanished, the black kitten has turned 90ยบ (note the handles of the basket), plus - drum roll - it's a totally different kitten: grey eyes, smaller ears, and full black fur in his ears.


Continuity mistake: When Billy's mum tells him she loves him, she places both hands around his face. Then lowers them and places her right hand on his cheek. From the opposite angle her hand is gone.


Hespera: Children stole the power of ALL the gods! This is very personal, Billy.

More quotes from Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Trivia: When Billy asks the Wizard what his name is, he replies, "Shazam." Freddy replies with, "I still think we can beat it." This is a joke reference to the TV game show "Beat Shazam."


More trivia for Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Question: We learn in the film that Shazam and Wonder Woman are friends, and (Spoiler alert) she brings him back from the dead at the end. So, why didn't she help him during the final battle or give any other much-needed assistance during the film?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The dinner scene, where Wonder Woman has the head of the Wizard, never happened. There's no indication they knew each other, let alone were friends. In the realm where superheroes actually do exist, there'd really be no reason why she, Superman, who is supposed to know them too, or any other hero wouldn't be there to help. So the only answer would be an unsatisfactory one that sounds pedantic: she didn't help because it's a Shazam movie and not a WW or JL movie. One could say that she and the other heroes were busy with fighting crime/battles in their own city or they didn't know they needed help. She only appears at the end, it seems, to restore the god realm. It's also been said they didn't think Gal Gadot would be available to shoot her cameo scene, so Wonder Woman may not have been in the film because of a scheduling conflict. But to me, if she was meant to be in the film, they would have secured her availability long before shooting.


Answer: Where did you get the idea that they are friends? The movie makes it pretty clear they have never met before.

Cause they are having dinner together near the beginning. And you still didn't answer why she didn't help.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The other superheroes don't sit around waiting for someone to call. Batman has a city full of rogues' gallery: Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, Catwoman. Wonder Woman also has the same. They're busy people! But they'll come if asked or if they find out another hero needs help.

More questions & answers from Shazam! Fury of the Gods

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