
Continuity mistake: When Ben-Hur is about to be transferred from his cell to Tirus after the tile struck the governor, his hands are being tied by the centurions. When he strikes the incoming centurion, his hands are free.

Continuity mistake: When Messala goes to the roof terrace after the tile incident, he checks the loose tiles. He drops one on the floor, and there are broken pieces on it that were not there before. (00:49:35)


Continuity mistake: During his brief escape Judah threatens Messala who is standing behind his desk. The arrangement of things on the desk changes many times throughout the scene, most noticeably the three books on the right. (00:53:20)


Continuity mistake: After Judah knocks out the prison guards he grabs a spear and busts into Messala's room. Two other guards standing far down the hall start running after him. Seen from inside the room, the guards enter directly after Judah. (00:52:15)


Continuity mistake: After Tirzah causes the tiles to fall from the roof, there is a wide shot from above, showing Judah and Tirzah now standing at a different part of the wall than where the tiles fell. (00:46:25)


Continuity mistake: When Jesus Christ is bearing his cross in Jerusalem, in the first shot the sign text on the cross in Latin (and presumably also Hebrew?) is displayed flipped/mirrored/backwards. In the next shot with the sign it is perfectly legible.

Arnoud van den Eerenbeemt

Continuity mistake: In the first scene of part 2 the Romans are relaxing in the bath. Then the arrival of Sheik Ilderim is announced, and when the camera switches to him the positions of many extras in the scene change, like one masseur in red (first kneeling, then squatting). (00:04:30)


Ben-Hur mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the chariot race, Judah's chariot has a decorative front metal rail, and in some shots there is a plump curved cushion attached to the rail, on its inner side. It repeatedly disappears and reappears throughout the scene.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After the sheik has jumped on the chariot to take control of it, he kicks a man out and one can see the trail behind is empty. However, half a second later, many horses and riders have appeared out of nowhere and are standing right behind the sheik's chariot.


Ben-Hur mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the race, dolphin sculptures are tipped down to count the laps. Right after the third dolphin is lowered, there's a shot from below a horse and one can see that the dolphin is raised again. (02:46:55)


Revealing mistake: During the chariot race, where the contestants are riding towards the screen, tyre tracks from the camera vehicle are clearly visible imprinted in the sand. (00:20:50)

More mistakes in Ben-Hur

Quintus Arrius: Now listen to me, all of you. You are all condemned men. We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well, and live.

More quotes from Ben-Hur

Trivia: The 'Greek chariot' Mesalla uses in the race is based on the Persian scythed chariots which Darius III attempted to use against Alexander the Great's troops at the battle of Gaugamela, though with only insignificant success.

More trivia for Ben-Hur

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