Tong: I too wish to join this fellowship of Druun buttkickery.
Sisu: I'm going to be real with you, all right? I'm not like the best dragon, you know?
Raya: But you saved the world.
Sisu: I did do that. That's true. But have you ever done like a group project, but there's like that one kid who didn't pitch in as much, but still ended up with the same grade? Yeah, I wasn't the one who actually made the gem. I just turned it in.
Boun: We have shrimp, we have congee, we have shrimp congee that just won't quit.
Tong: Ah, it's good to breath in your glorious dragon stench again.
Sisu: OK, I'd take that as a compliment.
Raya: Note to self: Don't die.
Raya: My whole life, I trained to become a guardian of the Dragon Gem. But this world has changed, and its people are divided. Now to restore peace, I must find the Last Dragon. My name is Raya.