Chris Wise: Oh no.
John: What?
Chris Wise: Justin Bieber is a zombie.
Anna Shepherd: You are such a child.
Nick: A sexy child.
Nick: Wait, no.
Anna Shepherd: Goodbye, Nick.
John: You smell like a shoe.
Anna Shepherd: Christmas is fast becoming my least favorite "C" word.
John: You wouldn't' be saying that if you were dressed like a festive legend.
Anna Shepherd: You're right. Dressed like that, you look like a massive "C" word.
Anna Shepherd: On Dasher, on Dancer on... the other ones?
John: Firebolt? No... that's Harry Potter's broom.
Anna Shepherd: Oh no. We can't hang out anymore. You're too sad. You've hit like, peak sad.
John: Look, they were a very popular series of books.
Nick: We go through here, we might make it to the school before sundown. Plus it'll be fun.
Steph North: Yeah, certain death is so much fun.