Randy: You bunch of female jock-strappers.
K.C. Carr: Randy, I don't date skaters.
Randy: A skater! I ain't no skater, I am a goddamn star.
Jackie Burdette: I said I'm okay when I'm okay and, ah... I'm okay when I'm not okay. Okay? Okay?
K.C. Carr: But you can't just throw Hank on the dump heap after you've used him.
Burt Henry: What the hell you talking about, use him? We're all used! You, me, anybody on two legs! That's what it's all about. That's your American pie for you. You ought to know that by now.
Horrible Hank Hopkins: I guess they got their money's worth tonight, didn't they, K.C.?
Answer: Because she's a working mother who travels the road, she probably missed birthdays, holidays, and family get-togethers. She wasn't there to see his accomplishments, nor tuck him in at night.