Nez: Whoa. Hey. The bitch stick? Are you kidding me?
Brumley: What, I'm just trying to make the shot.
Nez: Okay. Not with this you're not. Okay, Brum, have your balls dropped?
Brum: Yeah.
Nez: Yeah? Okay, now play like you got some fucking semen in your sack, Brum.
Brum: Okay.
Nez: Okay? All right.
Finn: I mean, school hasn't even started yet, and, guys, correct me if I'm wrong, but you are the official front runner for the Freshman Numb-Nut of the Year award, right, guys?
Ty Plumber: I thought his name was Billy Autrey.
Finn: Oh, it was, until we changed it to the most country bumpkin name we could come up with...Beuter Perkins.
Willoughby: We came for a good time, not for a long time.
Finnegan: You get a bunch of competitors together and you are addicted to winning.
McReynolds: Voluntary means mandatory.
Finnegan: That just went from cute to restraining order.
Finnegan: Have you noticed whenever we're around baseball all we talk about is pussy. Now, we're actually around a few potentially interesting young women, all you talk about is baseball. It's a little fucked up.