Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Continuity mistake: Laureline is not wearing a safety harness when talking to Valerian, but it appears and disappears several times as the shot cuts back and forth to Valerian. Laureline then puts on the safety harness she was already wearing.

Continuity mistake: When Bubbles is dancing for Valerian, as the cat, she whips the drink in Valerian's hand and knocks out of the flower in the glass. The next shot shows Valerian putting the glass down on a table and the flower is now back in the glass.

Continuity mistake: When Valerian makes the thug fall through the floor in Big Market it leaves a hole behind, but when he is chased out a few moments later the hole is gone.

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Suggested correction: The hole is still there. It's just not visible in most of the shots because it's blocked by Valerian or the camera angle is too high. When it cuts to him running out of the doorway, it's again mostly blocked by characters. When it's not blocked, you can see the hole.


Doghan-Dagui: We know how humans work. They are all so predictable.
Sergeant Laureline: Clearly, you have never met a woman.

More quotes from Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Trivia: The welcoming Captains were writers and directors who have worked with Luc Besson.

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Question: Why is the Alpha human population economy in shambles? The gargantuan Space Station Alpha resembles a fort in the outer fringes with brothels, military and Savages. Not a place of science, technology, cultural sharing.

Answer: During the movie it is told the humans have been in wars, its possible the economy is in shambles because of a recent war or the drag of a war from the past, perhaps even the war that destroyed planet Mul. Because of the failing economy there are more brothels, scavengers, crimes and it isn't the original space station that left Earth's orbit all those years ago.


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