Barry Lyndon

Revealing mistake: When Barry stands at his uncle's dinner table to supposedly "toast" Captain John Quinn for his pending marriage, to Barry's cousin Nora Brady (who Barry is in love with), he throws his glass in Captain Quinn's face instead. However, the glass noticeably breaks before Barry even throws it.

Continuity mistake: Barry is introduced to Gustavas Adolphis, the 13th Earl of Wendover, by Lord Hallam, to help him obtain a title. In the receiving line to meet Your Majesty, another man is introduced as Lord Neville, yet later when Barry is eating in a restaurant and runs into the 13th Earl of Wendover, he calls him Lord Neville. It seems his name should be either Lord Wendover, as he was called previously, or Lord Adolphis, as we learned that his real name was from Lord Hallam.

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Narrator: Barry - had now arrived at the pitch of prosperity and by his own energy had raised himself to a higher sphere of society. Having procured his majesty's gracious permission, to add the name of his lovely Lady, to his own. Henceforth, Redmond Barry assumed the style and title of: Barry Lyndon.

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Trivia: Stanley Kubrick's daughter has a cameo as the young girl sitting behind Lady Lyndon at the magic show.


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