Bad Girls

Factual error: The girls stop at a grave site, and the marker indicates the husband had died 3 years earlier, in 1888. Yet, later on, Cody tells Frank that they're going to the "Oregon Territory". Oregon had been a state for over 30 years by that time.

Factual error: The end of the film sees the girls heading north to search for gold in the Klondike. One problem though- the film is set in 1891, and gold in the Klondike was not discovered until 1896.


Factual error: The girls stop at a grave site, and the marker indicates the husband had died 3 years earlier, in 1888. Yet, later on, Cody tells Frank that they're going to the "Oregon Territory". Oregon had been a state for over 30 years by that time.

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Jerome Lurie: Ma'am, I don't know how to tell you this.
Anita Crown: Tell me what?
Jerome Lurie: Well, your claim is worthless without your husband alive. See for yourself... second paragraph. Now ma'am, I'm sorry but it's the law. Surely you understand that.
Anita Crown: Yes, I understand that. I was worthless until I married. So now, I guess I'm worthless as a widow. Funny, I had some value as a whore.

More quotes from Bad Girls

Trivia: At the end of the film before the credits the four girls are on a ridge riding off to the right of the screen. If you look closely at a horse on the bottom left hand side of the screen, you'll see his tail go up and you'll witness him performing an "act of nature."

More trivia for Bad Girls

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