Schindler's List

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Continuity mistake: Amon Goeth pulls out a German Luger to shoot the rabbi. The Luger jams so Goeth pulls out another pistol and pulls the slide back indicating a semi-auto handgun. The second also fails. Goeth gets frustrated and throws the gun on the ground. When the other Nazi picks it up, it's magically a revolver. (01:28:05)

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Oskar Schindler: Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't.
Amon Goeth: You think that's power?
Oskar Schindler: That's what the Emperor said. A man steals something, he's brought in before the Emperor, he throws himself down on the ground. He begs for his life, he knows he's going to die. And the Emperor... Pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Amon Goeth: I think you are drunk.
Oskar Schindler: That's power, Amon. That is power.

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Trivia: This movie took in only $3 million on its opening weekend, but went on to earn more than $320 million world-wide.

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Question: The Jews in the film are mostly small people, but the Germans are tall. Why?

Answer: Most likely the movie was deliberately cast this way to make the German soldiers look more physically powerful, brutal, and fearsome in comparison to their weakened and emaciated Jewish captives, who barely are surviving the harsh treatment inflicted on them.


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