Maj. Amos Dundee: I have only three commands. When I signal you to come, you come. When I signal you to charge, you charge. And when I signal you to run - you follow me and run like hell.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: I've already been three men, Amos. That's enough for one lifetime.
Maj. Amos Dundee: Irish immigrant.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: Cashiered Army officer.
Maj. Amos Dundee: ...and Confederate renegade. And I don't like any of them.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: Well, now isn't that a coincidence?
Maj. Amos Dundee: If I ever do get out of here, the war won't last forever.
Teresa Santiago: It will for you, Major.
Maj. Amos Dundee: What are you trying to say, Frank? Come on, speak up. Spit it out.
Capt. Frank Waller: I'm not trying to say the massacre was your fault. I am trying to say that you should recognize your transfer to this post was a disciplinary action, pure and simple... and if you try to fight your own war again - like you did at Gettysburg - they'll break you.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: Mr. Aesop, I am... we would like to complement you and your men on the way you handled the river crossing this afternoon.
Aesop: Thank you, sir.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: How many men do you need?
Maj. Amos Dundee: Twenty. Good ones.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: Until the Apache is taken or destroyed - only that?
Maj. Amos Dundee: Agreed.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: If it's... too rich for you... hang us now, and be done with it.
Maj. Amos Dundee: I might just hang you and that Injun from the same tree, Ben.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: You'll play hell getting it done, Amos.
Maj. Amos Dundee: Captain, give my regards to General Carleton.
Capt. Frank Waller: I hope that you're to have that pleasure yourself within the next week, Major. If not - good luck.
Maj. Amos Dundee: You thieves, renegades, deserters, you gentlemen of the South. I want some volunteers. I want volunteers to fight the Apache Sierra Charriba. I need horse soldiers - men who can ride, men who can shoot. In return, I promise you nothing... saddle sores, short rations, maybe a bullet in your belly... and free air to breathe, fair share of tobacco, quarter pay... and my good will and best offices for pardons and paroles when I get back.
Capt. Benjamin Tyreen: Well, Major, I'll see you in Texas.
Maj. Amos Dundee: You're damn right you will.
Samuel Potts: Bannon was a soldier, Amos. It goes with the pretty girls and the pension.