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Extraterrestrial is a science fiction horror/thriller with some comic elements that gives way to terror as 5 college friends head up to a secluded cabin for fun getaway that's anything but. Soon, awful, tall Grey aliens relentlessly attack them and others with a barrage of X-Files/Alien-encounter tropes and cliches with deadly effect. Cynical, satirical, uneven and a bit grim, Extraterrestrial is just an average time-passer that has some gore, some silliness, and little sense.

Erik M.

Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie, a woman runs to the store to get help. She uses the pay phone booth outside. The UFO takes her and the whole booth. A minute later, the booth crashes back to Earth. The next morning, the sheriff finds her wallet in the debris. She wasn't carrying it and didn't have a purse or pockets.

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