Plot hole: In the whole film, between the robots and the teens an incredible amount of damage is done to the shopping centre, including smoke, fires and explosions. These things would all easily trigger fire alarms and a sprinkler system...yet the fire alarms never go off.
Chopping Mall (1986)
Plot summary
Directed by: Jim Wynorski
Starring: Kelli Maroney, Karrie Emerson, Russell Todd, Tony O'Dell
A group of mall workers who just wanted to party after hours are terrorised by the mall's new security robots.
Walter: You clumsy son of a bitch! Look what you did! I out to turn you into scrap metal for this!
Protector robot: May I see your identification badge please?
Walter: Identification badge?
Protector robot: Do not make any sudden moves.
Walter: Sudden moves? I'll give you sudden moves upside your head!
Trivia: Paul Bartel and Mary Woronov play Paul and Mary Bland in this film. These are the characters they played in the film "Eating Raoul."
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