Rabbit Fire

Rabbit Fire (1951)

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Directed by: Chuck Jones

Starring: Mel Blanc

Genres: Animated, Family, Short

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Continuity mistake: When Bugs is reading his cook book, you can see the book in close-ups has "1000 Ways to Cook a Duck" on the front cover. In other shots, the words are missing.

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Bugs: Say, doc, are you trying to get yourself in trouble with the law? This ain't wabbit huntin' season.
Elmer Fudd: It's not?
Bugs: No, it's duck huntin' season.
Daffy: That, sir, is an in-mitigated frab-rication. It's wabbit season.
Bugs: Duck season.
Daffy: Wabbit season.
Bugs: Duck season.
Daffy: Wabbit season.
Bugs: Duck season.
Daffy: Wabbit season.
Bugs: Wabbit season.
Daffy: Duck season.
Bugs: Wabbit season.
Daffy: I say it's duck season. And I say fire.

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Trivia: When Elmer turns around and finds an elephant behind him, the elephant says, "I'll give you such a pinch." This was one of the catchphrases of Stinky, Joe Besser's juvenile character on The Abbott and Costello Show.

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