
Corrected entry: On Lisa's Team America business card (when she's giving it to Gary), the L and the I of Lisa are closer together than the other letters, making LISA look like USA.

James Ollier

Correction: An observation plain to anyone who sees the scene is not trivia.


2nd Jul 2010

Ninja Assassin (2009)

Corrected entry: When Mika sets off the small pill-shaped homing beacon (the one the guy gave her so he can find her when she sets it off in need), it is at night and the bad ninjas take Raizou. Then the guy shows up at day and she says it was 10 minutes ago.

Correction: It is not night, it is pre-dawn, and she lied when she told him how long it was since the ninjas abducted him.


19th Jun 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

Corrected entry: Right after his coronation, John calls out to his mother. Eventually saying that she supported him at all times, even during his four-year imprisonment in the Muslim lands. These four years however, where just two. 1192 - 1194.

Correction: Counting 1192, 1193, 1194 is three years, he just likely rounded up.


3rd Jan 2010

Out of Sight (1998)

Corrected entry: Karen Sisco is given a birthday present from her father and tells him she'll come over Sunday and watch the Super Bowl with him, which is always in January. But when Buddy looks at her driver's license, we see that her birthday reads 4-25-70.


Correction: What's the mistake? I've been given birthday gifts late or early plenty of times. Perhaps her father is traveling when her birthday occurs, and decided to give her present early. Perhaps he is moving, or already lives in a different town, state, or even country. There's many reasons people don't always give a birthday present on the actual birth date.


Corrected entry: Tolstoy was an ardent vegetarian, but in one scene at the house where his followers live, a woman is plucking a chicken.

Correction: Not all of his followers may be vegetarians. Besides, I have a vegetarian friend who will go so far as to cook meat for non-vegetarian friends.


Corrected entry: When Alex wakes up after his vision of the crash, he leaps out of his seat and tries to get off the plane. The male French teacher says 'Alex, qu'est-ce que c'est?' Literally translated, this means 'Alex, what is it?', but in a very literal sense; for example, you would say 'qu'est-ce que c'est' if you were asking what an unfamiliar object is. To say 'what is it' as in 'what's the matter', the teacher should have said 'Alex, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?' Would a 'veteran' French teacher have got this wrong?

Correction: Qu'est-ce que is an accepted means of asking what it is that woke Alex up. It may not be perfect French, but it is acceptable and understandable. I know of many instances where language teachers use whichever vernacular is going to be most quickly and easily understood by the student. Also, even language teachers don't always use perfect grammar.


I'm French! Born and raised! For the teacher to say "Alex, qu'est ce que c'est" is perfectly acceptable! Not sure why you are being so picky about the teacher's French! In fact I'm fairly confident with his accent that the man is French Canadian.

13th Jun 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

Corrected entry: When Prince John and his French girlfriend are discussing politics, she uses French and a French accent to indicate her Frenchness. But in 11th or 12th century England, French was the language of royalty. That is all of the royal family spoke French as their first language. Thus we get Anglicized words like royal, viscount, earl and food words like beef (instead of cow), pork (instead of pig) etc, etc.

Correction: They all spoke French, but not necessarily as their first language. His girlfriend speaking with an accent is just a movie convention to emphasize she is French. Movie language is also produced for the mass audience to understand without having to read subtitles. There's no mistake here.


Corrected entry: The ostrich-jockeys have Western numerals written on the square cloth stitched to their backs (1,2,3,4,5).


Correction: No, they have Arabic numerals written on their backs. Western culture adopted the Arabic numerals over Roman numerals. As the movie is in the Middle East, the numerals shown are correct.


Corrected entry: In the opening scene at Bill's Candy Store, Bill is giving out candy to everyone and taking no money with poor Charlie looking in the window because he cannot afford any.


Correction: The other kids' parents, being affluent, could have just opened an account with the candy store. Charlie knows his family can't afford the candy, so he is left with just looking.


Corrected entry: When the mouse removes the Bantersnatch's eye and a day later, Alice steals it she gives it back to the Bantersnatch and it puts it back in. Since the eyeballs are the first to rot it wouldn't be possible for the creature to see with it, nor for the eyeball to look fine.


Correction: This is a fantasy. Rabbits don't talk, cats don't float in the air and disappear, and so much more. Suspension of disbelief is required, as what happens in Wonderland is fanciful and doesn't follow our laws of physics.


3rd May 2010

Scarface (1983)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Tony shoots Hector, look closely and you will see that when Hector falls down right after he gets shot, there's no blood on the ground. But in the next shot about a half of a second later, it's filled with blood around Hector's head. (00:19:50)


Correction: This is entirely plausible. A wound does not necessarily begin bleeding immediately. I cut the heel of my hand to the bone, and it took a good 10-15 seconds before it bled profusely.


14th Jun 2008

Iron Man (2008)

Corrected entry: In Tony's workshop is a silver clock resting on a shelf with his model airplanes. At one point, this clock is stopped reading a little after midnight (a stopped clock is a common technique used by filmmakers to keep continuity problems to a minimum between shots,) and it is rational that Tony would display the clock for its artistic or sentimental value even if it was broken, but later the clock reads about ten past nine, showing that someone has changed the time.

Correction: If it's later, it is possible someone changed the time for whatever reason. Since it is later, and not the same series of shots, it's not a mistake. Or, it just doesn't work properly. I have a clock on my wall that reads slow, and I just got tired of always correcting it, so it usually shows the wrong time. It's just decorative.


23rd May 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, when thieves steal Marianne's grain, she says the word "bastard". However, the word "bastard" didn't originate until the second half of the 1200's.

Correction: As with all fictional, semi-or historical films set in an era other than modern, modern vernacular is usually used to make the movie understandable for modern audiences. It's a standard movie making convention, not a mistake. Particularly since nearly all the vocabulary of French and English in this period would be incomprehensible to a modern English or French speaker.


24th May 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

Corrected entry: When Robin and the boys are being rowed up the Thames, the captain tells Robin "we dock in 20 minutes." Mechanical clocks weren't in Europe until the 1300s and they were cumbersome affairs. No one could have told time by the minute on-board ship in the 12th century.

Correction: Since there were no clocks, the captain could have called out any amount of time within an hour, and no one could dispute him. The fact, though, is that people can estimate time without a clock pretty easily, especially in times when people didn't rely on clocks. If they docked in 24 minutes instead of 20, no one would complain.


Since there were no mechanical clocks, there was no use for minutes, therefore captain would never use minutes to estimate the time of landing. Minutes were only added in 14th century, when quarters of an hour became insufficient.

Corrected entry: When Heather is being driven to her interview and the limo driver is talking to her, in one of the shots the limo driver has the steering wheel off center, but the car as seen through the windshield is still moving perfectly straight. (00:14:25)


Correction: It's not uncommon for a steering wheel to get misaligned during a front end alignment, in which case the car may be traveling straight, but the wheel is off center.


6th Feb 2010

Splash (1984)

Corrected entry: When Madison is rescued near the end, when the car chase starts, Tom hanks passes by an old red Car and squeezes past a lorry. In the next shot he is passing by the exact same car on the freeway.


Correction: It's a freeway, how can you be sure it's exactly the same car? I have a 20 year old car, only 145 of them were imported to Canada, I live in a town of 4500 people, and someone has a car that looks identical to mine from the outside.


12th May 2010

Bad Boys (1983)

Corrected entry: JC is escorted into the open police room for the suspect lineup, in which they turn and actually face her. This would not happen in reality, but behind a mirrored glass to protect the witness during an identity.


Correction: Depends on a jurisdiction and facilities available. I was a witness to a theft, and actually sat in the waiting room of the police department next to the offender, while waiting for the constable to arrive so I could identify the suspect.


3rd May 2010

Up in the Air (2009)

Corrected entry: When Ryan leaves his sister's he is at the airport and puts the cut-out of his sister and her fiance in his suitcase. The heads of the cut-outs are sticking out. But after he goes through security, the cut-outs aren't sticking out anymore.

Correction: Security likely made him fold the cutouts to fit securely in the bag.


20th May 2010

Up in the Air (2009)

Corrected entry: (Spoilers) How does Ryan get Alex's address in Chicago? If she wants to hide from him the fact that she is married, she certainly wouldn't tell him where she lives. If Ryan looked her up in the directory, she would most certainly have been listed with her husband's name.

Correction: Ever looked anyone up on Google? It's amazing the information you can get. And, she may not have been listed with her husband's name, may have had her own line in the house, or her husband for whatever reason may not have been listed. If it was her house to begin with, and he moved in with her after marriage, they may have just avoided the hassle of changing the ownership of the phone and listing and left it in her name.


Corrected entry: When Blair frees Marcus from the resistances chains, he falls face down (slightly tipped up), but he lands on his back, though he was falling straight down.

Correction: He starts falling face down, but there is a cutaway shot, during which it's possible he flipped, probably due to the chains around his feet, and his heavier torso than legs.


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